Facebook Web Development

How To Get All Ad Accounts in a Business via Facebook JavaScript SDK

Have you ever needed to grab every ad account accessible to your Facebook Business account via the Facebook SDK for JavaScript? I will go through the process in this post!

Facebook Web Development

Facebook JavaScript SDK Tutorial | Getting Started (Login & Graph API)

Facebook’s SDK is incredibly powerful but can be confusing and overwhelming when getting started. I’m going to walk you through getting started using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript on your website, so you can include share buttons, like buttons, interact with the Graph API, or allow a user to login to your Facebook app.

Web Development

Debug a Website in iOS Safari on Windows 10

Have you ever needed to debug a website (especially JavaScript or CSS) in Safari on an iOS device but didn’t have a Mac handy? I ran into this problem, and after hours of trying other ways to debug, I finally discovered a pretty easy way to load up a debug interface on my Windows 10 PC that displayed debug info about a website in Safari on an iPad Mini.