Web Development

How do I access Google API data using ASP.NET?

Have you tried to access your Google Analytics data (or other Google data) using ASP.NET? After hours of research, I finally figured out how, and it’s very simple!

Troubleshooting Web Development

Why am I seeing rel=”noopener noreferrer” in my WordPress links?

As of WordPress 4.7.4, when you include a link in a post that opens in a new tab, WordPress will automatically modify the link to include the following rel attribute:


With the rel attribute set this way, the site you browse to will not receive the Referrer in the header of your request. That means any tracking they are doing, like through Google Analytics, will not display your website as being a referring site. You may depend on external sites seeing your domain in their analytics to prove value or popularity or something, so you may not want this new functionality in 4.7.4.

Troubleshooting Web Development

Custom jQuery Validation Won’t Run on Input Using KendoUI

In our web application, forms are generated by ASP.NET MVC, which uses jQuery Validation and Unobtrusive Validation. I was recently working on a form we use in our own web application, and we planned to integrate on an external website via AJAX. There is a select menu in the form that allows the user to select from a list of items, and it has KendoUI’s MultiSelect plugin applied to it. The form worked just fine when used on our primary site, but when I used this form on an external site (making sure to include all necessary JavaScript), a custom validation method we add on page load to that one select menu absolutely would not run. Can you guess what caused this?

Web Development

Kendo Chart – Programmatically Highlight a Point and Show Tooltip

I recently dealt with a page that had a Kendo Chart and a Kendo Grid tied to the same DataSource. They were on a page visually right beside each other, so when the user hovered over a row in the Grid, we wanted to highlight the point for that same item in the Chart.

Web Development

Google Chrome Device Mode Got a Redesign

Did you notice the new design for Device Mode in Chrome 49 Developer Tools? The changes are pretty slick. The design is now much more clean and intuitive. Let’s take a look at what the interface looks like now.

Troubleshooting Web Development

Weird &#65279 Character in HTML

I was recently working on a simple HTML project and created the basic HTML files in Visual Studio 2015. Nothing crazy. But when I ran the project in Chrome, there was some extra space at the top of the page that wasn’t coming from CSS. After inspecting the HTML in Developer Tools, I noticed a strange  character appearing in the HTML.

The weird character appears in the HTML in Developer Tools.
Web Development

Allow HTML in MVC’s Html.ValidationMessageFor or Html.ValidationSummary

Have you ever wanted to put HTML in the validation message for a property or in the validation summary? You can’t do this out of the box, since any message that gets run through either of these methods gets put into the element’s InnerText. But thankfully, we can create simple extensions to allow HTML in both of these validation methods.

Web Development

Upload File from Remote URL

Did you know you can easily upload a file from a remote URL?

On Windows, when an upload dialog appears in your browser, you will see a File name field. The surprising thing is that you can paste a URL into that field, and your browser will automatically download the file, then upload it! Saves you from having to download a file, just so you can upload it.